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Diary Entry-Galileo Galilei

April 12th 1633

Sometimes I sit and wonder if my theories are worth sharing. Is it worth the time or the energy or the risk? Through my studies, I have seen that the Earth revolves around the sun but the Catholic Church is too blind to see that. How is it that the Catholic Church is the most powerful influence in the whole of Europe? I feel as though this world is unfair as it always has been. The most powerful people make the rules and the facts. It is up to me and other dissidents who stand up against false ideology.

Today, the Catholic Church accused me of heresy because I supported the Earth revolves around the sun theory. I am scared. I am worried. I am petrified. Heresy can lead to death. Once again, are my theories worth sharing? What if I am sentenced to death? I would be dead and no one would believe my theory. The Catholic Church believes that God fixed the Earth on its foundation. I just feel overwhelmed. Here I am being accused heresy because I am offering a fact. The church just has to have everything there way. No one may stand in their way.

I am writing because this could be my last day alive. All my theories are within this diary. To whomever finds this diary, please publish this and continue my legacy. If you are afraid to do so, please hand to over to someone who will.



April 13th 1633

I was very lucky today. The Catholic Church didn’t charge me of heresy. I have been warned to stop promoting my theories though. My question is if I should continue my research. Is all this really worth it? I just dodged an arrow. What makes me think I will be lucky the next time? I just hope one day the world will be more supportive of new ideas. For now, I will have to hope for the best.

I met my best friend Antonio today. He was my friend ever since high school. He is a physician just like me. He has helped with some of my theories. Today we had some pasta at the local bar. He seemed anxious and when I asked him what was wrong, he would just start talking about something else. There was definitely something on his mind that was bothering him. He wasn’t very talkative during our meeting. I will probably try and find him in the evening.

I knocked on Antonio’s door and he wasn’t there. I looked inside his window and found all his belongings gone. One of the neighbours told me that Antonio had been accused of heresy. I stared. No way. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten Antonio into my research.

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