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I am thinking of Copernicus's theory from the point of view of Galileo Galilei. 


I think Copernicus's theory is the true and rightful model of the universe. Copernicus made this theory thinking that the earth evolved around the sun. This is true according to my research. I do not believe in what the Catholic Church. They think that god made the universe a geocentric or an earth-centered universe. They believe what they think instead of actually researching. They don't want to be proven wrong by this theory so they accuse anyone who opposes them of heresy. The sun is the center. I have spent years making observations and I have discovered and proven that the earth revolves around the sun. I believe one day my hard work will make people realise the truth. 


Questions I have from this perspective are: Why does the Catholic Church think that the universe is geocentric? When was the geocentric theory invented and how did people start believing in it? Does the pope even connect with god or does he just use his role for power? 

I am thinking of Copernicus's theory from the point of view of John Pall the 2nd. 


I think Copernicus's theory is just pure nonsense. I mean everyone knows that god made the earth the center of the universe. How on Earth did Copernicus come up with that theory. Any person would know that the sun revolves around the Earth. At different times of the day, the sun moves around the Earth. It is clearly in the sky. Galilei Galileo isn't helping as well. I know he created the famous telescope but that doesn't mean he can support random untrue theories. He says he has done years of research on it. You can just look at the sky and tell. How dare anyone oppose god's word! That is heresy. They will stand trial and get punished. I will not tolerate this. I should not be questioned! 


Questions I have from this perspective are: Why are there these dumb people who put years into research when they could easily tell the Earth is the center of the universe? 

Why would people oppose god's word? Why are they brave enough to oppose me? 

I am thinking of Copernicus's theory from the point of view of one of Galilei's supporters. 


I have been Galilei's admirer for a long time already. He is a mastermind, a fabulous person who know what he is doing. Some people think he is mad but I think they are just jealous. I would love to meet Galilei. Recently, I have heard of a possible accusation of heresy on Galilei. The pope is set to begin the trial in a few weeks. Why is my idol being accused of heresy? He is just trying to discover the truth. He supports Copernicus's theory. Even if the Earth is the centre of the universe, the pope can't just accuse Galilei of heresy. It sometimes amazes me how much bravery Galilei must have to support Copernicus's theory in the face of danger. I would never ever do that. You can die from that. I hope Galilei will not be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. 


Questions I have from this perspective are: Why does the pope not allow new ideas to be proven? Why is posing a new idea against god? Does the pope have a grudge against Galilei and why? 

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